“I have learnt different things from each of the books that I have read. For instance, the Harry Potter series taught me the importance of friendship and love. Wonder has made me realize that there is more than one side to every story, and one must try to understand that maybe the other person is going through a difficult time. In every book, I see the protagonist make mistakes, but s/he always makes an effort to amend their mistakes. And that motivates me to do the same. Reading also enables me to leave my mundane world and enter into thrilling and exciting new worlds where anything is possible. I especially enjoy the works of authors like J.K. Bowling, Ruskin Bond, James Dashner etc. Today, I love reading novels of different genres – fantasy, science fiction, mystery, etc. and make it a point to read every day for at least a few hours.
Reading brings me joy and at the same time, it also teaches me about various things in an exciting way. I love reading because I found the right book for me (Harry Potter) and I believe that there is a right book for everyone, they just need to find it. Thus, I would recommend anyone and everyone to read books for the joy of it. It is a great experience!” – Student
“Reading has impacted me a lot. It helps me relate with characters that I would not meet in real life. My personality has seen most of the impact because I developed the skills of being engaged in stories for a long time. I really do recommend people to read because by reading what you like you get into that world of stories.” – Student
“My favorite book is ‘Roses are Blood Red’ because of its genre of love combined with thrill. The author has written the story in such brilliant flow that the reader also thinks that s/he is also part of it. Reading has impacted on me a lot, it has changed my way of thinking, seeing the world and my personality. ” – Student
“I would recommend reading to everyone because it has shaped me a lot. It has helped me in improving my vocabulary and which in turn helped me to improve my spoken English. It has increased my focus levels, my imagination levels. I put myself into the authors shoes to get the real feeling and the sense of the book. Not only does reading improve my skills, it also reduces the stress that I have and puts me in a peaceful, calm mode. The knowledge that the books give is just infinite. By reading books and novels, we may also find another author in ourselves.” – Student
“A wonderful training session was given by Harini madam. We learnt how to inculcate the students towards reading and also how to motivate the children towards non-academic books.” – Librarian
“These sessions were very much useful and inspiring for newly joined librarians like me.”- Librarian
“The training session was good. It was very helpful to identify the student’s level according to that we can measure and improve them to level by level by providing different levelled books. and the joy of reading story videos are very helpful us to interact with all the students and to develop their interest towards LSWR skills. Thank you” – Teacher
“JoR channel is very helpful for children. In this pandemic situation we are connecting to the children an easy way. It’s very interesting to the story of children for watching. Thank you, madam for creating the you tube channel for encouragement of librarians and children” – Teacher
“We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Joy of Reading for the valuable contribution to both Teach for India Fellos and for the office library. We would love to collaborate for more such contributions for improving the love for reading and learning through books amongst children.” – Partner
“The varied range of books that we received from you starting from Encyclopedias to Picture Books, from Short Stories to Adventures and from Fairy to horror Tales have not just made kids further interested in reading but also show definite improvements in our regular English classes. They have been more curious, creative (some kids writing their own story books) with their mind generating newer and imaginative showcases each day.” – Partner
“We would like to thank you for the beautiful books that you have sent for us. Our kids were thrilled when they saw the books and jumped at helping us set our class library. ” – Partner